Queen Margaret placing a paper crown on the head of the Duke of York, c1450-c1460 (18th century(?)).Artist: Brown

Queen Margaret placing a paper crown on the head of the Duke of York, c1450-c1460 (18th century(?)).Artist: Brown


Queen Margaret placing a paper crown on the head of the Duke of York, c1450-c1460 (18th century(?)). Margaret of Anjou (1430-1482), Queen Consort of Henry VI of England with Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York (1411-1460). Their rivalry was a major catalyst for the Wars of the Roses. Richard governed England as Lord Protector during Henry's mental illness in 1453-1454 and held ambitions to take the throne for himself. After a lengthy power struggle, Richard was killed by Lancastian forces at the Battle of Wakefield in 1460. His head was displayed on a pike above Micklegate Bar in York, wearing a paper crown. His son took the throne as King Edward IV the following year after the Yorkists decisively defeated the Lancastrians at the Battle of Towton.
The Print Collector collection




Photo12/Heritage Images/The Print Collector

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50,2Mo (8,2Mo) / 41,8cm x 30,0cm / 4942 x 3547 (300dpi)

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