Letter from John Graham of Claverhouse to George Livingston, 1st June 1679. Artist: John Graham

Letter from John Graham of Claverhouse to George Livingston, 1st June 1679. Artist: John Graham


Letter from John Graham of Claverhouse to George Livingston, 1st June 1679. Letter written from Glasgow by Bonnie Dundee when captain of a troop of Horse Guards, to Livingston who was commander-in-chief of Scotland, giving an account of his skirmish with the Covenanters at Drumclog (described by Sir Walter Scott in Old Morality, chapter xvi). From the second series of Facsimiles of royal, historical, literary and other autographs in the Department of Manuscripts, British Museum: Series I-V. (London, 1899).
The Print Collector collection


Photo12/Heritage Images/The Print Collector

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