'Soapey Samuel Kisses the Rod', 1858. Artist: Unknown

'Soapey Samuel Kisses the Rod', 1858. Artist: Unknown


'Soapey Samuel Kisses the Rod', 1858. Samuel Wilberforce, Bishop of Oxford, was a reformer of the Church of England who dragged his priests into greater spirituality and efficiency. Wilberforce arranged conferences for his rural deans, travelled widely and increased the number of his parishes to be served by resident incumbents. Wilberforce had been suspected of countenancing auricular confession, although he denied this. However, his sympathy with Tractarian principles led to him being accused of a similar sympathy with Catholicism. Mr Punch is seen here in the role of schoolmaster chastising a truculent Wilberforce. Punch was firmly opposed to any ascendancy of the Catholic cause, and this opposition featured regularly in the journal's cartoons. From Punch, or the London Charivari, October 16, 1858.




Photo12/Heritage Images/The Cartoon Collector

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