Berlin - East German State Railway strike 1949

Berlin - East German State Railway strike 1949


For the ballot vote about the continuation of the strike of the East German State Railway (Reichsbahn), the "Tägliche Rundschau" (newspaper) with East propaganda is put up in a company in West Berlin - "Die SMA [Sowjetische Militäradministration] withdraws their promises! Vote no!" is added in handwritten letters of the trade union. The photograph was taken on 02 June 1949. The whole railway operations and infrastructure of Berlin were subordinated to the East German State Railway (Deutsche Reichsbahn, DR) of the Soviet zone of occupation until 1949. On 21 May 1949, the Unabhängige Gewerkschaftsopposition UGO in the West sectors called upon to strike. Around 13.000 Reichsbahner (workers of the East German State Railway) living in West Berlin stopped work and fought for a payment in Westmark. Photo: zbarchiv - BLOCKED FOR PICTURE TRANSMISSION


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02 juin 1949



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