Adult european garden spider

Adult european garden spider


Adult european garden spider (Araneus diadematus), with willow emerald damselfly (Chalcolestes viridis), adult male and female prey caught in web, Staverton Lakes, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom, Europe


22 juin 2016


Photo12/imageBROKER/Dave Pressland

Notre référence


Model release


Property release



Droits gérés

Format disponible

53,7Mo (1,5Mo) / 29,9cm x 45,0cm / 3531 x 5315 (300dpi)

Mots clés

Arachnid Arachnida Araneae Araneus Araneus diadematus Arthropod Arthropoda Arthropods British Chalcolestes viridis Cross orbweaver Cross spider Damselflies Damselfly Diadem spider Europe European garden spider European garden spiders Insect Insecta Insects North Europe Northern Europe Odonata Odonate Odonates Pterygota Suffolk Western Willow Spreadwing Willow Emerald Damselflies Willow Emerald Damselfly Zygoptera adult adult animal adult animals animal animal behavior animal behaviour animal depiction animal depictions animal figure animal figures animal form animal motiv animal of prey animal representation animal-like animal-shaped animals animals in the wild animals of prey behavior behaviour capture captured catch catches caught convict dead dead person dead persons death deaths deceased depiction depictions died dragonfly eat feed feeding female female prisoner female prisoners females flying insect flying insects forage foraging illustration image image motif ingestion male males mature matures net nets out outdoor outdoors outside poisonous poisonous animal poisonous animals prey prey animal preying preys prisoner prisoners pterygote insect representation search for food searching for food spider spider figure spider figures spiders spin spinning summer summery thread threads toxic trapped web wild animal wild animals zoomorphic Araneidae England Orb-weaver spider Orb-weaver spiders Orb-weaving spider animal feed animal feeds Great Britain UK United Kingdom

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