Disagreement among many Republicans working together to construct a tower

Disagreement among many Republicans working together to construct a tower


The confusion of tongues' Disagreement among many Republicans who were working together to construct a tower labelled 'Republican Harmony'; they have broken off into small factions clustered around building blocks labelled 'Progressivism' with the Republican elephant sitting against it sniffing 'Smelling Salts', 'Radicalism' over which 'Munsey' and 'Woodruff' are engaged in a discussion, 'Conservatism' on which President Taft sits gesturing toward 'La Follette' who is standing on his head, and 'Pinchot' trying to make a point to 'Barnes' who is facing a diminutive 'Job Hedges', 'Standpatism' around which 'Cummins, Cannon, Sherman, Penrose, [and] Root' are involved in a heated discussion, and 'Meism' upon which Theodore Roosevelt is jumping up and down and gesturing wildly.




Photo12/Ann Ronan Picture Library

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